
Bird’s Eye View

This package presently works by reading in a log file, and iteratively parsing lines. This is orchestrated by a primary DbtLogParser class.

dbt logs are structured in that they have distinct text patterns that demarcate where dbt logging starts, when it’s logging that tests have started or have passed/failed, when it logs additional failure/warning details, and when it logs a full summary.

Each of these stages are implemented as stages in a state machine, and depending on which stage the process is in, different methods on a DbtLogParser will be invoked.

The DbtLogParser maintains internal state that is used to eventually generate the final report.

Where to start

See the main function here.

Also Useful

The DbtLogParser heavily uses, or expects to be used by, the state machine class from pytransitions, so reading the Quick Start on that package is advised.



  • HomeBrew

  • asdf: brew install asdf

    • asdf Python plugin: asdf plugin-add python


  • install Python runtime: asdf install && asdf reshim

  • install Python dependency manager pipenv: pip install pipenv

  • create a Pipenv environment specific to this project, and install Python packages, including developer packages: pipenv install --dev


Uses pytest.

$ pipenv shell
$ pytest tests


  • update; add entry for new version; re-use draft release

  • commit changes

  • create PR with title e.g. git commit -m "[release]: v0.1.0: Initial release", get it approved, and merge into main

  • checkout main and ensure the latest commit is the PR’s squash commit

  • add git tags and push to remote e.g. ./bin/git-tag -v v0.1.0 -m "Initial release"

  • let GitHub actions take it from there


Abide by the pre-commit hook:

$ pre-commit install

Enforced by CI checks.

Reporting Bugs

Create a GitHub issue and use the Bug Report template.